未传之书/The Book of Unwritten Tales(数字豪华版)-学习版-网盘下载
语言支持:中文 英文

这款游戏介绍:In a world torn by war, the aged gremlin archaeologist Mortimer MacGuffin harbors the dark secret of a powerful artifact. Whoever calls this artifact his own, will determine the fate of the world.
While the Army of the Shadows sends out its best and most devious agents to discover the secret, the Alliance’s four heroes find themselves involuntarily drawn into the crisis…
Key features:
Humorous Point & Click homage to the RPG and fantasy genre.
About 20 hours of gameplay in a massive game world with detailed graphics.
Multi-character gameplay: Play as Wilbur, Nate, Ivo, and the Critter – in turn or simultaneously – and use the skills of your heroes wisely.
Meet numerous crazy characters – from two-headed ogres and vegetarian dragons to good-natured zombies.
Solve over 150 mind-boggling puzzles and discover more than 300 items that can be used and combined.
OS *:Windows XP SP 3 (32bit) / Vista SP 2 / Windows 7 SP 1
Processor:Pentium IV 2 GHz / Athlon 2.4 GHz
Memory:2 GB RAM
Graphics:Direct-X 9c compliant video card with 128 MB RAM, PixelShader 2.0
Hard Drive:6 GB HD space
OS *:Windows XP SP 3 (32bit) / Vista SP 2 / Windows 7 SP 1
Processor:3 GHz
Memory:4 GB RAM
Graphics:Direct-X 9c compliant video card with 256 MB RAM, PixelShader 2.0
Hard Drive:6 GB HD space
* 2024 年 1 月 1 日(PT)起,Steam 客户端将仅支持 Windows 10 及更新版本。
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